Giving Students Hope for the Future
Upcoming Events
The following events are scheduled:
The Ella C. White Memorial Scholarship Fund
Presents its
26th Annual Fundraising Dinner
"The Tassel Ball"
Celebrating 48 Years of Supporting Local Students
Saturday, October 31, 2020
The Sonesta Resort
130 Shipyard Drive
Hilton Head Island, SC
6:15 PM Reception & Cash Bar, 7:00 PM Dinner
Tickets are $75.00 per person, Semi-Formal Attire, Complimentary Valet Parking
General Prize Drawing Tickets $2, Grand Prize Drawing Tickets $5
Keynote Speaker: To Be Announced
For More Information or Tickets, Contact:
Carol Campbell 843-684-1644 or Carolyn Grant 843-422-0707
Thank You to Our 2019 Corporate Event Sponsors
King Tide Presenting Sponsor
High Tide Corporate Sponsors
Spring Tide Corporate Sponsors
Low Tide Corporate Sponsors